Tactical Carbine
This course is geared towards anyone looking to learn how to use the AR15 platform safely, effectively, and reliably. It offers owners of AR-15 / AR-10 / M-4 /M-16 style rifles the necessary skill set or safe and proper application of this AR platform. Students will become familiarized with the AR-15 /AR-10 rifle and will learn the basic gun-handling skills that are necessary to safely operate and maintain this weapon system. Perfect for the new or soon-to-be AR-15 owner.
Mechanical Operation
Disassembly & Reassembly
Function Checking
Fundamentals of Rifle Shooting
Zeroing Sights
Understanding Ballistic Trajectory
Shooting positions
Preventative Maintenance and Cleaning
500 rounds of ammunition
Rifle with iron sights or optic
Weapon cleaning kit
Eye Protection
Ear Protection