Applied Fundamentals - Rifle


This course is geared towards anyone looking to learn how to use the AR15 platform safely, effectively, and reliably. It offers owners of AR-15 / AR-10 / M-4 /M-16 style rifles the necessary skill set or safe and proper application of this AR platform. Students will become familiarized with the AR-15 /AR-10 rifle and will learn the basic gun-handling skills that are necessary to safely operate and maintain this weapon system. Perfect for the new or soon-to-be AR-15 owner.


  • Nomenclature

  • Mechanical Operation

  • Disassembly & Reassembly

  • Function Checking

  • Fundamentals of Rifle Shooting

  • Zeroing Sights

  • Understanding Ballistic Trajectory

  • Shooting positions

  • Preventative Maintenance and Cleaning


  • 500 rounds of ammunition

  • Rifle with iron sights or optic

  • Weapon sling

  • Some safe means to carry magazines, on your person, to recharge your firearm four times (e.g. 2-3 magazine carriers/pouches)

  • Wraparound eye protection – as we are shooting steel, you will need high-quality, mission specific eye protection

  • Hearing protection (electronic hearing protection is recommended, but not required)

  • Cleaning and maintenance supplies for daily rifle maintenance (lubricant, optic batteries, etc)

  • Personal small first aid kit (You will be reloading and shooting all day and your fingers will need care)

  • Snacks, lunch, water